Tuesday, 3 July 2007
KDAB becomes Patron of KDE
The KDE e.V. and KDAB are happy to announce continued collaboration on the Free Desktop by KDAB being the latest new Patron of KDE. KDAB is known for its high-quality software services. KDAB explains "KDE and KDAB have a very strong relationship that dates back to the beginning of the KDE project, with the KDAB CEO, Kalle Dalheimer, being one of the founders of the KDE project. Since then, KDAB has supported KDE consistently both with code and funding, especially for the past aKademies. We believe that a strong KDE community is good for all of us, and thus want to provide KDE e.V. with a stable and plannable stream of funding."
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Friday, 22 June 2007
KDE e.V. Quarterly Report 2007Q1
The KDE e.V. Quarterly Report is now available for January to March 2007. As usual it includes reports of the board and the working groups about the KDE e.V. activities of the last quarter and future plans.
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Monday, 5 March 2007
KDE e.V. Quarterly Report 2006Q4
The KDE e.V. Quarterly Report is now available for October to December 2006. It includes reports of the board and the working groups about the KDE e.V. activities of the last quarter of 2006 and future plans.
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Tuesday, 27 February 2007
Trolltech becomes first Corporate Patron of KDE
Trolltech, the Norwegian company behind the Qt toolkit has become the second Patron of KDE. Trolltech itself should not need an introduction, since they have worked together with the KDE project since its inception ten years ago. Knut Irvin, the community manager for Trolltech points out that "KDE does an excellent job of making UNIX-based desktops easy to use. Trolltech gains from feedback, bug reports and the spread of Qt through the success of KDE".
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Tuesday, 12 December 2006
Sirius teams up with KDE
In a move to promote the KDE desktop in the Enterprise, the UK's Open Source experts, Sirius Corporation, have become a Supporting Member of the KDE project. Sirius' commitment to KDE is our second supporting membership and follows Canonical's recent patronage of the project. Sirius and KDE are joint participants in SQO-OSS, an EU-funded project that assesses the quality of Open Source code.
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Tuesday, 21 November 2006
KDE e.V. Quarterly Report 2006Q3 Now Available
The KDE e.V. Quarterly Report is now available for July to September 2006. Topics covered include the outcomes from the 2006 membership meeting, the status of the Technical Working Group's improved charter, the new press channel from the Marketing Working Group and for the first time a report from the Sysadmin Team. All long term KDE contributors are welcome to join KDE e.V.
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Saturday, 14 October 2006
Mark Shuttleworth joins KDE e.V. as a Patron
At the event celebrating the 10th birthday of the KDE project, Eva Brucherseifer, the president of the KDE e.V., announced that Mark Shuttleworth, the man behind Canonical and Ubuntu, joined the KDE e.V. under the supporting membership program as the first Patron.
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Friday, 1 September 2006
KDE e.V. Membership Assembly 2006
The annual general membership assembly of the KDE e.V. 2006 took place in Dublin during aKademy 2006. The board was extended to five members with Adriaan de Groot and Sebastian Kügler as new members while Mirko Böhm stepped down after serving as vice president and treasurer for seven years. There also were taken decisions to accept the rules of procedures about online voting, to accept the System Administration team as an official KDE e.V. working group and more.
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Saturday, 1 July 2006
KDE e.V. Supporting Memberships
The rules of procedure for the supporting membership of the KDE e.V. are available in English and German.
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Thursday, 1 September 2005
KDE e.V. Membership Council
The 2005 assembly meeting took place at aKademy 2005 in Malaga, Spain. A new board was elected and the assembly votes to add technical guidance as a responsibility of KDE e.V. and create working groups for KDE development and activity. Notes from the assembly meeting and the working group meeting are available.
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