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KDAB becomes Patron of KDE

The KDE e.V. and KDAB are happy to announce continued collaboration on the Free Desktop by KDAB being the latest new Patron of KDE. KDAB is known for its high-quality software services. KDAB explains "KDE and KDAB have a very strong relationship that dates back to the beginning of the KDE project, with the KDAB CEO, Kalle Dalheimer, being one of the founders of the KDE project. Since then, KDAB has supported KDE consistently both with code and funding, especially for the past aKademies. We believe that a strong KDE community is good for all of us, and thus want to provide KDE e.V. with a stable and plannable stream of funding."

Sebastian Kügler of the KDE e.V. Board of Directors adds: "KDAB is one of the companies that understand their role in a Free Software community very well. KDAB is actively involved with making the KDE software the success it is and will be. Additionally, KDAB takes its contribution to KDE very seriously. This is shown by their thorough commitment to a stable, reliable and well-maintained codebase, and is stressed by their involvement in KDE as an organisation. KDAB serves as an example for excellent collaboration with other parts of the community. We're thrilled that we're able to manifest our collaboration also in this more formal way."

Mirko Boehm, KDE core developer and head of KDAB's Berlin office

  • and thus host of the recent KDEPIM and KOffice meetings - explains KDAB's involvement in the KDE community as follows: "KDAB employs numerous KDE developers, who work directly or indirectly on KDE in both their spare time and their work hours. In fact, we are a company mostly of KDE developers. 3 of the top ten committers to KDE are KDABians, according to, including David Faure, one of the major contributors to KDE's core. We are actively trying to increase the visibility of KDE through our customer contacts and look forward to promote the powerful KDE 4 platform in future projects."