Sirius teams up with KDE
In a move to promote the KDE desktop in the Enterprise, the UK's Open Source experts, Sirius Corporation, have become a Supporting Member of the KDE project. Sirius' commitment to KDE is our second supporting membership and follows Canonical's recent patronage of the project. Sirius and KDE are joint participants in SQO-OSS, an EU-funded project that assesses the quality of Open Source code.
Mark Taylor, CEO, Sirius Corporation said: "KDE is a high-quality desktop that has always had a strong following in the Open Source community. By becoming a sponsor of the project, we now want to raise its profile in the Enterprise."
Sebastian Kügler of the KDE e.V. Board said: "KDE is happy to welcome Sirius as one of Europe's leading Open Source experts in the circuit of KDE's Supporting Members. For KDE, this agreement manifests the next natural step in the improvement of relationships between KDE as the leading Free Desktop and leaders in the Open Source industry."
KDE e.V. wishes to thank its current supporters, and would like to invite all interested parties to help us continue to serve the KDE community.